
Ages 18 months to 3 years

We honor and respect our youngest students

A toddler class begins the educational process during the sensitive period for language and movement. Toddlers are encouraged to have independence, to explore, and to make choices in a safe environment.  Toddlers are given many opportunities for learning, including being taught to care for their own needs and for the classroom.  They love to help set the table, fold laundry, sweep, wash dishes, and learn to put their belongings away.  They also have available to them Montessori materials which teach language, counting, sorting, and all about the world around them. The learning environment is home-like and fully equipped with Montessori materials, a gross motor area in the classroom, a separate outdoor play area, and a full-size gym available for the children.

Toddlers learn best through:

  •     purposeful movement

  • self-chosen activity

  •     activity that fulfills the needs of a sensitive period

  •     repetition and concentration

  •     experiencing order


The classrooms have toddler-size furniture which enables children to feel comfortable and secure, knowing this is a classroom just for them. 

There are specially designed activities and materials that meet the toddler’s interest in movement, independence, order, and language.

Practical Life consists of care of self, care of the environment, and food prep. 

